The main purpose of this window is to insure GPS hardware is setup and functioning properly. This should be verified, before continuing to "MAPPING".
Insure GPS messaging looks correct.
Insure Sats indicator indicates a reasonable number.
Check PDOP. Without correction signals or clear view satellites, this will be high.
Check CS age. Higher than normal (or No Base!) times indicate wrong channel or poor RF reception from base.
SET BENCH button
As an OPTION, the benchmark may be set at this time, but this is only recommended for temporary cases. For example, you may wish to set a benchmark at a road intersection, in order to locate a property line. Case: You wish to be 1/4 mile east of a road intersection. Set a bench of 0,0, 100 (elevation not critical). Then drive to X = 1326.
Note: SET BENCH is provided on this screen as a convenience to the user, for the above reason. It is not recommended to set a benchmark on this screen under normal use.
Allows the communications messaging (data) to be written to the file "TLComm.log". This file will be found in the same directory as the TileLogic.EXE file.
Warning: This should only be done for short periods of time, otherwise the log file can grow very large. Used for troubleshooting.
This displays show real time the messages being sent to / from the GPS receiver. 1000 messages will be populated, before the display is cleared, and redrawn.